Muv luv alternative total eclipse characters code#
The standard military code for "impending G-Bomb deployment" is CODE666, which is first seen at the aptly-named Operation Lucifer.The number designation of the unit the main cast of the Unlimited/Alternative prequel/sidestory Schwarzesmarken belongs to: the 666th TSF Squadron.Number of the Beast: Two examples in sidestories.Humongous Mecha/ A Mech by Any Other Name: Tactical Surface Fighters (TSFs) typically stand about three to four stories tall, and have a tactical role akin to attack helicopters on steroids: even though they can fly, they're treated mainly as close air support vehicles rather than high-flying aircraft, since their flight ceiling is relatively low even if Laser-class BETA aren't around.

Hotter and Sexier: Strike Frontier, a gacha game, has (unvoiced) H-scenes for SR girls, including pre-existing characters such as Yui (in her adult and younger versions), Yuuhi, and various others.Eventually justified in Alternative when it is discovered that they're actually nonsentient deep-space mining drones created by an extraterrestrial civilization, and don't have the capability to recognize humans as living beings. Horde of Alien Locusts: The BETA, which mine any and all available resources wherever they go, including humans.Hero of Another Story: There's the occasional stories about the main casts of Alternative, The Euro Front, The Day After and Total Eclipse.